Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Most Wanted Games of 2013

This year, 2013, promises to be a monumental year for video games. The first eighth-generation console, Wii U, has already launched, and Sony and Microsoft will not be far behind. Nintendo has teased a new 3D Mario game, a new Mario Kart, and several other surprises; and Sony, for it's part, has teased footage of a new Killzone game and a new Infamous game for its upcoming PS4. Plus there are dozens of games due to launch for Xbox 360, PS3, 3DS and Vita.

From all of these games, five of us have chosen the one title we most want to play. All five of these games are due out before the end of the year.

Lou's pick: Destiny (Xbox 360, PS3, PS4)

Bungie is a patient, deliberate game company. When Halo was released for the original Xbox it didn't "change the game" as much as it analyzed the game and delivered what worked while cutting out what didn't. Ten years and several outstanding sequels later, Bungie has moved on from the Halo franchise to Destiny. When I heard about Destiny, a MMO FPS (not many have been good let alone decent) that will apparently take a decade to experience, I embraced the concept right away. Very little is known about it other than a few story and setting details, and that it will require a consistent online connection to experience it. I've repeated "experience" rather than "play" because Bungie is counting on players to go beyond the screen and ingest the additional source material that will release alongside the game as it progresses. As someone who has read most of the books and graphic novels that flesh out the Halo-verse, (not to mention the web-series and collection of animated shorts), I, for one, am eager to be immersed in the world(s) of Destiny.

Nick's pick: BioShock Infinite (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)

The Bioshock games have been one of the cornerstone series for the Xbox and the newest game is likely to continue this trend. Bioshock Infinite is not related to the original two games by story but it continues in the spirit of the previous games. The newest game removes us from the beautiful underwater world of Rapture and takes us to the clouds, to the floating city of Columbia. The story focuses on Booker DeWitt, a former Pinkerton agent who travels to Columbia to rescue a young women all while fighting the two warring fractions of the city. The new game promises innovative game play and beautiful soaring graphics and I for one am really looking forward to this game. It is my most anticipated game of the year.

Beth's pick: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Wii U)

Hold your sails! Nintendo is planning to make an HD version of Wind Waker for the Wii U! The game will give players the option to play entirely on the GamePad, and will feature both upgraded graphics and Miiverse integration. Announced back in January, the upcoming makeover of Wind Waker is by far the game I'm most excited for in 2013. Wind Waker is the first Zelda game I ever tried, and unfortunately I never finished. The graphics, story, and sound sucked me into the Zelda world though, and I have been determined ever since to go back and finish. As many of you know I finally finished Phantom Hourglass for DS, and my triumph in that game has renewed my excitement about Zelda enough that the timing of this Wii U release could not better.

Rob's pick: Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360, PS3)

Grand Theft Auto has always been a go-to franchise for me. I fell in love with the GTA universe the first time I ever placed Vice City. Being a more casual gamer, the open world and free roam aspects appealed directly to my sense of enjoyment. With GTA V being touted as the biggest open world game to date, I could not be more excited to hop in a car and ride around exploring the city and surrounding areas. Granted GTA IV got a little too real. I mean come on, you can't ride around on the runways at the airport? Or start fistfights with pedestrians since there's a cop on every corner? Hopefully GTA V will allow players a chance to once more cut loose and get a little crazy. And I promise not to kill my hooker to get my money back after the services have been rendered. Well, maybe.

Evan's pick: The Last of Us (PS3)

Over the years, Naughty Dog has made quite a name for itself. Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted. In 2013 it releases its newest IP: The Last of Us. For those of us who watched last year's E3 show, it was impossible not to be impressed by the show-stopping footage from The Last of Us, a hybrid of survival-horror and action-adventure exclusive to PS3. According to Naughty Dog co-President Evan Wells, "The Last of Us is a genre-defining experience that blends survival and action elements to tell a character driven tale about a modern plague decimating mankind. Nature encroaches upon civilization, forcing remaining survivors to kill for food, weapons and whatever they can find. Joel, a ruthless survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together to survive their journey across what remains of the United States."

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